Monday, 18 April 2011


Mouth washes are soluttions containing active ingredients meant for cleansing and deodarising the oral cavity for gargling and rinsing the mouth.Mouth washes  contain-

  • Astringent-[agents which precipitate the superficial protiens when applied to skin or mucous membrane].
  • Antiseptics-[agent that destroy micro organism,that can be used on living tissue].
  • Obtundents-[agents that diminish dentine sensitivity].
  • Flavouring agents-fruity,spicy flavours are used.
  • sweetening agents-saccharine sodium.


  1. Antiseptic and astringent mouth wash-for soreness under dentures.they harden the mucous membrane
  2. Obtundent mouthwash-for sensitive oral lesion.
  3. Detergent mouth wash-for cleansing and deodorising action.

chlorhexidine mouth wash[0.2%]
Chlorhexidine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimicrobials. It works by decreasing the amount of bacteria in the mouth, helping to reduce swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when you brush.

    • used in halitosis[bad breath]
    • sorenness under denture
    • sensitive oral lesions
    • postoperative and other bedridden patients for deodourising the oral cavity and maintaining oral hygiene.
    • mouth washes are refreshing
    • used in inhibition of plaque formation
    • stomatitis
    • surgical impaction-after the removal of impacted tooth.
    • gingivitis, a gums disease that causes red, swollen, and easily bleeding gums. 
    • This drug may also be used to help prevent tooth decay in those who are not able to brush their teeth .   
    Rinse your mouth with the solution after brushing your teeth, usually twice daily (after breakfast and at bedtime).Generally 0.2%solution is mixed with water[15ml] for maintainance of oral hygiene.